Recently Eastern Contractor Services was chosen by The Pinnacle Companies to take part in their EXTREME HOME experience. Pinnacle worked with their team of subcontractors to complete an amazing new home for the Llanes family in just four days.
At about 10:00 pm Eastern Contractor Services staffed the job with 10 installers and completed the insulation work in about 40 minutes. Normally a house that size would take 3 men one entire day to insulate. At the time of our work there were approximately 50 other workers in the house doing various jobs. It was dark, crowded, chaotic, and wonderful. The feeling of accomplishment was overwhelming.
At about 9:00 am the following morning Eastern Contractor Services staffed the job with 3 installers and installed a beautiful carriage door and opener in record time. The house was being painted and the driveway was being completed at the same time the door was being installed. Not one person had a complaint or problem. All trades worked together to get the job done and get it done well. It was an honor and privilege to be part of such an amazing and life changing experience.

When Vic Llanes of Bergenfield, New Jersey, started to lose his vision as a teenager, he accepted it. He didn’t feel sorry for himself, but instead married his high school sweetheart, Maria. Together they started a family in the Philippines.
Gven was their first-born and was diagnosed as an infant with Aniridia, the same degenerative eye disease her father has. The family was told it was highly unusual and unlikely that it would happen again, so they got pregnant with Zeb. But during Maria’s pregnancy, she contracted German measles. Zeb was born deaf and with severe allergies, and yet somehow the family pressed on. A few years later Vic learned he inadvertently passed on a genetic eye disorder to both of his daughters! Now almost everyone in the family is legally blind, including Isabel, Vic’s aging mother.
Vic and Maria immigrated to America in 1997 in search of better doctors and a better education for their ailing children. Although this loving family continues to comfort each other, their own home does not comfort them! The noise from the street mixes up their only remaining senses and is distracting to those who are losing their sight. Their home is also very dark with little light coming in. Since the girls can still see light, colors and brightness, adding plenty of windows, skylights and light fixtures would help all who suffer from the disease. Zeb, who is deaf, also struggles with allergies, so this family cannot have any carpet in their house that otherwise might help soundproof it for those going blind!
Although blind, Vic doesn’t let that stop him from helping others. He sends books in Braille to children all over the world and, amazingly, does the repair work around the house and most of the cooking for the family!
The Extreme Makeover: Home Edition design team travels to Bergenfield to build a brand new renovated home for this deserving family. In order to better meet the Llanes family’s unique needs, Academy Award-winning actress Marlee Matlin will serve as Team Leader.